Deadline to Join Lawsuit Draws Near (WALA)
Nicholas will present information relating to the federal lawsuit and address questions for those who attend. With the one-year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill just around the corner, a New Orleans federal court is overseeing litigation against companies involved in the oil spill.
The meeting is open the public. Information will be available for individuals who are interested in participating in the lawsuit or have on-going problems with the Vessels of Opportunity along with those who have continuing complications with the Gulf Coast Claims Facility's claims process.
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley and Attorney General Luther Strange recently issued statements announcing that individuals and businesses which experienced personal injury, loss of earnings, property damage, business loss, or other economic loss from the oil spill, may participate in the federal lawsuit by filling a short form in order to preserve their rights. The deadline for that short form is April 20.
The meeting starts at 2 p.m. at the Bayou La Batre Community Center located at 12745 Padgett Switch Road in Irvington.
FOX10 News will be at Tuesday's meeting. Watch FOX10 News at 5pm