Mobile Truck Accident Attorney

Billions Obtained for the Injured throughout Alabama

At Cunningham Bounds, we have handled cases on behalf of thousands of clients who have been seriously injured by another’s negligence. Over the years we have become known as a top personal injury firm in Alabama. As such, we have the resources and experience necessary to handle any case, no matter how complex.

Truck accident cases often involve going up against large insurance companies and fierce litigators. Our firm is committed to excellence and can fight for an outcome that perfectly meets your needs and circumstances.

Backed by Proven Results

  • $50 million verdict: Truck accident case involving the death of a truck driver
  • $10 million settlement: Woman was killed after being hit by a truck on Interstate 65
  • $9 million verdict: 17-year-old was paralyzed during a truck rollover due to defective design
  • $7.5 million settlement: Motorcyclist was killed in a crash caused by a delivery driver
  • $6.5 million settlement: Truck accident caused by a truck driver impaired by drugs
  • $4.5 million verdict: Family suffered severe injuries in a head-on collision with a truck

We're uniquely equipped to handle your truck accident case. Contact us today.

Compensation for Physical & Emotional Damages

Accidents involving tractor-trailers, semi-trucks, and 18-wheelers can occur due to any number of reasons. Because of the size and weight of large trucks, when they collide with other vehicles, they often cause catastrophic injuries or result in fatalities.

In addition to physical injuries such as broken bones, spinal cord damage, and traumatic brain injuries, victims may also cope with lingering psychological trauma that can put a strain on their relationships with family, friends, and co-workers.

By working with proven truck accident lawyers in Mobile, AL who have the experience and resources to handle these challenging cases, victims can gain the support of advocates who can identify the underlying cause of an accident and show how the defendant’s negligence led to a preventable crash.

When successful, these lawsuits can allow victims and families to recover financial compensation for their damages, including economic and non-economic damages such as:

  • Physical pain and suffering;
  • Medical bills and future medical expenses;
  • Lost wages and lost future earnings;
  • Disabilities, permanent impairment, or disfigurement;
  • Emotional injuries, including mental anguish or grief;
  • Injuries suffered by family members of victims who were seriously injured or killed in preventable trucking accidents, including loss of emotional support and companionship;
  • Property damage; and/or
  • Funeral or burial expenses.

Justice for Family Members Lost in Fatal Truck Accidents

Statistics show that nearly 10 percent of people involved in a truck accident in Alabama will be killed, requiring an attorney to file a wrongful death lawsuit.

Tractor-trailer rigs or an 18-wheeler are also more likely to be involved in deadly multiple-vehicle crashes. This is true not only because these trucks can weigh in excess of 80,000 pounds, but also because they are more difficult to control and to slow down.

Call (251) 299-0101. Let us take a look at your case in a free consultation.

An Experienced Attorney Can Thoroughly Investigate Your Truck Accident

Truck accidents can be caused by a wide range of factors. It’s important to get a Mobile, AL truck accident attorney on the case as soon as possible so that all evidence is accounted for and witness memories are still fresh.

Hear from one of our former clients, Delana, about her truck accident case:

Truck accidents are often caused by the following, and more:

Trucking companies are required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations to keep records of equipment safety and drivers’ hours of service. Sadly, though, many attorneys fail to inspect these records, which is a big mistake. Poor equipment and driver fatigue can cause truck accidents, so careful analysis of the records is often required to determine if negligence or recklessness has occurred.

Accidents Caused by Truck Driver Negligence

Like other motorists, truck drivers have a legal obligation to safely operate their vehicles. They are also obligated to abide by critical safety regulations designed to keep the public safe. Unfortunately, as statistics make clear, truckers all too often fail to meet their duty of care and cause preventable accidents.

Examples of truck driver negligence include:

  • Unsafe driving behavior/traffic violations (i.e., speeding, driving too fast for weather or roadway conditions, reckless driving, tailgating, unsafe lane changes, etc.).
  • Distracted driving and inattention.
  • Fatigued driving and violations of hours-of-service rules, which are regulations that limit the amount of time truckers can be on duty and behind the wheel so as to reduce risks posed by tired driving.
  • Driving drunk or under the influence of drugs.
  • Driving with medical conditions, or unmanaged medical issues, that increase their crash risks.
  • Negligently loading cargo or improperly loading cargo, including cargo securement violations that can compromise a truck’s stability or result in fallen cargo that creates roadway hazards.
  • Failing to properly inspect the condition of a commercial vehicle and take reasonable steps to address or fix potential hazards.

Whether negligence arises from the conduct of truckers behind the wheel or stems from a violation of trucking regulations, truckers can be held accountable for causing preventable wrecks. Additionally, the trucking companies that employ negligent truckers can also be held accountable, whether it’s because they’re ultimately accountable for their employees or because they were negligent as well. 

For example, trucking companies may negligently hire and retain unfit truckers with poor driving records, a history of substance abuse, or other red flags that would make them a danger on the road, or may fail to adequately oversee drivers to ensure compliance with the law.

Accidents Caused by Mechanical Failure

In some cases, the cause of a truck accident can be traced to a mechanical failure within the truck. However, seeking compensation for an accident rooted in a mechanical failure can be difficult. It is likely the trucking company will try to pass a portion, if not all, of the liability onto the manufacturer of the part that failed. Depending on what can be determined through an investigation, this may be justified.

Parts of a truck commonly cited for mechanical failure include:

  • Brakes
  • Axles
  • Tires
  • Load securements

You can expect the part manufacturer to resist any sort of liability in your truck accident claim. They will likely be defended by insurance companies with the same strength and size as the truck company, but the underlying truth is that another party did cause your accident, and they should be the one who covers your damages.

Accidents Caused by Poor Road Conditions

Truck accidents are not always caused purely by truck driver negligence, although this is a common contributing factor. In some cases, poor road conditions can be part of the cause of a big rig crash. Truck drivers who are not paying close attention to the road ahead can lose control of their vehicle. Or, the road may be in such poor condition, the truck driver has little chance of maintaining control. 

Parties that could be liable for a crash caused by poor road conditions include:

  • Trucking company: The truck driver is ultimately responsible for recognizing a dangerous road condition and is responsible for doing everything he can to avoid it. In the event of lost vehicle control, the trucker is still responsible for preventing an accident that causes harm to others. By proxy, the trucking company that employs or contracts a negligent trucker could be held accountable for that truck driver’s actions. 
  • State agency: Unsafe road conditions must be corrected and repaired by a local or state agency. Commonly, the duty falls upon the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT). If the poor road condition that caused your trucking accident has been reported to the ALDOT or another agency, but it was not addressed in a reasonable amount of time, then liability could partially be placed on the state.

It is a common misconception that there can only be one defendant per injury case or claim. In reality, there can be any number of defendants, as long as each one is partially liable for your truck accident. Our truck accident attorneys in Mobile will work diligently to make certain each potential avenue of liability is thoroughly explored, increasing your chances of receiving maximum compensation.

Talk to us if you’ve been involved in a truck accident in Alabama. Our Mobile, AL truck accident lawyers can help you identify your options, navigate the system, and get you the results you need to move forward with your life.

Contact Cunningham Bounds. Begin your journey to just compensation with an experienced truck accident attorney in Mobile, AL.


Have questions? We are here to help. Still have questions or can't find the answer you need? Give us a call at 251-299-0101 today!

  • What Should I Do if I Am Involved in a Truck Accident?

    If you’re hit by a truck, protect your well-being and your rights by following these steps:

    • Move away from the accident if possible. Gas or dangerous cargo could spill and present a fire hazard.
    • Report the accident to police.
    • Make a note (or voice recording) of what you remember about the accident, take photographs, and write down the other driver’s name, license information, and employer.
    • Talk to witnesses and take down their names and contact information.
    • See a doctor—even if you don’t think you’re hurt, you might just be in shock.
    • Call your insurer to make a report.
    • Don’t talk to the driver’s insurance or sign anything they send you. They could be trying to take away your chance for compensation.
    • Find an attorney to help you navigate the minefield of commercial insurance in the aftermath of the accident. Professional advice can be the difference between getting an insurance settlement and having high medical costs affect your pocketbook.
  • How Do I Find out Who Is Liable for a Truck Accident?

    Dealing with commercial insurance isn’t always easy, but first, you must identify the insurer that is liable for damages. In commercial accidents, it’s not always the driver’s coverage that will kick in.

    Depending on the circumstances of the accident, your case may go to:

    • The driver’s commercial insurance
    • Commercial insurance held by the company that employs the driver
    • A manufacturer’s insurance

    Determining who should pay may be an extended process because if an insurer can find a reason to pass the expense to someone else, they will certainly do so.

  • How Do I Negotiate an Insurance Settlement After an Accident?

    Though we strongly recommend letting an attorney handle all communications with insurance adjusters, we understand that sometimes you want to take care of things on your own.

    If you’re in the process of negotiating a settlement, keep these tips in mind:

    • Don’t sign anything you haven’t read and understood 100%. An insurance adjuster may offer to explain a contract—but they can gloss over important details that work in their favor.
    • Don’t admit to anything the insurer could use against you. Even if they can only prove you hold 1% of the blame, that is enough to absolve them from paying you any damages.
    • Keep in mind that distracted driving, speed limit violations or any other unsafe driving behaviors your opponents can prove could make you ineligible for a settlement.
    • Know how much you deserve. Not only should you total all your medical and car repair bills, but you should also factor in the cost of missed work, ongoing care, and pain and suffering.
    • Ask for more compensation than you need, because the insurance company will negotiate you down.
    • Don’t accept their first offer. Often, insurers try to take advantage of accident victims who may not know the full worth of their damages. Ask for the reasoning behind the number and dispute it wherever you can.
    • Keep records of discussions (writing notes if they were conducted by phone) and ask for any offers to be made in writing. The final settlement should be signed and dated by both parties.
    • Hire an attorney if you’re getting stonewalled. Sometimes, insurers try to frustrate claimants into agreeing to accept a low settlement. Enlisting an attorney to help shows the insurance agent you’re serious about receiving a fair settlement.
  • How Is a Truck Accident Different From a Car Accident?

    Truck accidents often result in more severe outcomes compared to car accidents due to several factors:

    • Size and Weight: The sheer size and weight of commercial trucks can lead to more substantial damage and injuries in a collision.
    • Stopping Distance: Trucks require longer stopping distances, making it harder to avoid accidents.
    • Cargo: Improperly secured or heavy cargo can contribute to accidents or exacerbate their impact.
    • Driver Fatigue: Truck drivers often face long hours, which can increase the risk of fatigue-related accidents.
    • Regulations: The trucking industry is subject to complex regulations governing factors like hours of service, maintenance, and safety standards. These regulations can significantly impact the outcome of truck accident cases.
    • Insurance Coverage: Insurance policies for trucks may have higher limits or different coverage than those for cars, affecting the potential compensation available.
    • Legal Complexity: Truck accident cases can involve multiple parties, such as the truck driver, trucking company, and cargo owners, making legal proceedings more complex.
  • How Do Truck Regulations Affect My Case?

    Truck regulations can significantly impact a personal injury case in Alabama if a commercial truck is involved. These regulations outline specific requirements for truck drivers, trucking companies, and the vehicles themselves. Violations of these regulations can be used as evidence of negligence in a personal injury lawsuit.

    • Hours of Service: If a truck driver was fatigued due to violating driving and rest time limits, it can indicate negligence.
    • Vehicle Maintenance: Poorly maintained trucks can increase the risk of accidents.
    • Driver Qualifications: A driver without the proper license or endorsements may be more likely to cause an accident.
    • Cargo Securement: Unsecured cargo can lead to accidents if it shifts or falls off.
    • Company Policies: Trucking companies must enforce safety policies to prevent accidents.
  • How Long Will My Truck Accident Case Take to Resolve?
    Truck accident cases can take months or even years, depending on the complexity of the case, the willingness of the parties to settle, and whether the case goes to trial.
  • What Evidence Is Needed for a Truck Accident Case?

    When involved in a truck accident, gathering the right evidence is crucial for building a strong case. Essential evidence includes police reports, eyewitness accounts, photographs, medical records, truck driver and maintenance records, and expert witness testimony. Consulting with an attorney can help you identify the most relevant evidence and navigate the legal process.

The Cunningham Bounds Experience

  • With Us, It's Personal
    Throughout your case, our team will always be accessible, responsive, respectful, honest, and compassionate. Our clients can attest to our high level of service and the longstanding relationships we have forged with them.
  • Committed to Our Community
    We believe in giving back to our community. We provide pro bono (no cost) legal services to those in our community who can’t afford legal representation. We also support local charitable organizations by donating our time, money, and expertise.
  • With You to the End
    Unlike most plaintiff law firms, we have our own appellate practice, which means we can stay involved in your case throughout the appeals process. We keep fighting until the case is over.

Record-Breaking Verdicts & Settlements

  • $50 Million Verdict in Death of Truck Driver

    Cunningham Bounds’ attorneys achieved a $50 million verdict in this product liability case wherein a truck driver burned to death in a post-accident/rollover fire.

  • $9 Million Truck Rollover Case

    Verdict for 17-year-old who was paralyzed during truck rollover due to defective design.

  • $7.5 Million Settlement for Family of Motorcyclist Killed in Crash by Delivery Driver

    In 2021, attorneys of Cunningham Bounds obtained a $7.5 million settlement for the family of a motorcyclist who was killed in a crash by a delivery driver.

  • $6.5 Million Client Injured in Head-On Collision

    Plaintiffs alleged that the defendant Smith Oil Company acted both negligently and wantonly in entrusting its company truck to an employee who was impaired.

  • $5.007 Million Rear-End Collision With Federal Express Delivery Vehicle

    Cunningham Bounds’ attorneys achieved a $5.007 million jury verdict for the victim of a rear-end collision involving a Federal Express delivery vehicle.

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There are not many plaintiff’s firms that impress the way these guys do.

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Cunningham Bounds has a history of providing the highest quality legal counsel. Contact us today to learn more about how our team can help.
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