Un historial de excelencia PUEDE ESPERAR MAS DE NOSOTROS El bufete al que acuden las personas cuando su futuro está en juego

Nuestras ubicaciones

Dedicados a ofrecer servicios a nuestra comunidad

Abogados de lesiones personales en Alabama 

Más de $26 mil millones de dólares ganados en todo el país

Hay una razón por la que Cunningham Bounds está considerado como uno de los principales bufetes de abogados de lesiones personales en la nación. Con miles de millones ganados en nombre de nuestros clientes, docenas de premios, membresías exclusivas y abogados que tienen un historial sobresaliente en los tribunales, nuestros abogados de lesiones personales en Alabama y Georgia pueden ofrecerle los servicios legales integrales y personalizados que usted se merece después de sufrir un accidente grave. Ubicados en Mobile, AL y Atlanta, GA, nuestros abogados litigantes de confianza tienen más de seis décadas de experiencia y saben cómo idear estrategias para obtener resultados exitosos en los tribunales.

También estamos orgullosos de ofrecer servicios profesionales del más alto nivel y, desde el momento en que usted entra por nuestras puertas, verá que trabajamos dando prioridad a la atención al cliente. Debido a nuestro compromiso por garantizar la justicia, luchamos implacablemente en nombre de aquellos que han sufrido lesiones devastadoras y discapacidades que han alterado sus vidas. Tanto si ha perdido a un ser querido, como si ha acumulado pérdidas financieras significativas después de un accidente, nuestro equipo permanecerá a su lado y le ayudará a decidir cuáles son las mejores medidas a adoptar.

Veredictos y acuerdos sin precedentes

  • $12.100 millones El mayor derrame de petróleo en alta mar de la historia de EE. UU.
  • $140 millones Veredicto en un caso de muerte por negligencia de un paciente
  • $108 millones Veredicto en un caso de residuos peligrosos
  • $24.3 millones Sierra para carne defectuosa
  • $102 millones Sentencia obtenida en un caso de fraude masivo al consumidor
  • $100 millones Acuerdo para un demandante individual
  • $50 millones Veredicto por la muerte de un conductor de camión
  • $50 millones Explosión de un calentador de agua defectuoso
  • $40 millones Cinturón de seguridad defectuoso
  • $35 millones Veredicto en un caso de muerte después de una cirugía de pulgar
  • $20 millones Veredicto en un caso de muerte por negligencia
  • $65 millones Negligencia en un hogar de ancianos

La experiencia de Cunningham Bounds

Usted se merece un resultado justo Dedicación por la integridad, el honor y los resultados Un historial de asesoramiento legal de calidad

Conozca a nuestro equipo galardonado

Un historial de abogados litigantes experimentados
  • David G. Wirtes, Jr. Photo
    Dave Wirtes Attorney

    Dave’s efforts over the past thirty years have helped protect working men and women in Alabama and throughout the country, in ways, most will never know: he has won many battles against unfair “tort reform” laws such as indiscriminate caps on recoverable damages, special immunity statutes, and other unfair laws intended to deprive people of their constitutional rights to trial by jury and an adequate remedy for their injuries and losses.

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  • Toby D. Brown Photo
    Toby Brown Attorney

    Toby Brown is a tenacious litigator who has obtained numerous multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients over the course of his career. Unwavering in his commitment, Toby has earned national recognition as a top trial attorney and is known for his work in representing clients during some of the most traumatic and transformational times in their lives. 

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  • George W. Finkbohner, III Photo
    Skip Finkbohner Attorney

    In an era when fewer and fewer civil cases go to trial, Skip Finkbohner has consistently won major court battles over a significant period of time and across a wide range of different types of cases, including wrongful death, product liability, complex commercial litigation, fraud, industrial accidents, environmental, medical malpractice, and others.

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  • Steven L. Nicholas Photo
    Steve Nicholas Attorney

    Steve represented hundreds of employees of a regional county hospital who learned their employer canceled their pension program without making millions of dollars in required contributions. Steve served as co-class counsel in securing a settlement that required the hospital to pay all of the missed contributions to the retirement fund.

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  • Glenn E. Kushel Photo
    Glenn Kushel Attorney

    Throughout his career, Glenn has successfully tried and resolved many cases in areas such as medical malpractice and personal injury. For example, he and his partner Nick Moraitakis argued the case of Keenan v. Plouffe to the Georgia Supreme Court, a case that involved a young woman who was severely brain damaged during a surgery at the Medical College of Georgia.

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  • David S. Cain, Jr. Photo
    David Cain Attorney

    As the lead and co-lead counsel in numerous cases that have resulted in multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements, David Cain’s reputation as a “litigation star” is well deserved. David counts as one of his greatest achievements the impact he has made in the lives of his clients, and the preparation necessary to ensure that his clients’ stories are heard, understood, and validated.

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  • William E. Bonner Photo
    Billy Bonner Attorney

    Named by Super Lawyers magazine as one of Alabama’s Rising Stars and recognized in 2014 as one of the top “Forty Under 40” trial lawyers in Alabama, Billy is a “think-outside-the-box” attorney whose creative approach and hard work have resulted in beat-the-odds wins for his clients. 

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  • Robert L. Mitchell Photo
    Robert Mitchell Attorney

    Relentless. Skilled. Prepared. Tenacious. All of these words describe Robert’s work as a trial lawyer. He understands that painstaking preparation, careful analysis, and attention to detail win big cases. In an era when very few cases are decided in a courtroom, Robert takes pride in trying cases to a jury.

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  • J. Brian  Duncan, Jr. Photo
    Brian Duncan Attorney

    Brian has been described by his peers as an “exceptionally talented top-tier lawyer,” who is “tenacious,” “hard-working,” and “conscientious.” Brian’s compassion for his clients forms the foundation of his practice, and he is devoted to helping them through some of the most difficult times imaginable.

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  • Lucy E. Tufts Photo
    Lucy Tufts Attorney

    Lucy brings her clients keen legal skills coupled with an exceptional level of commitment. When she takes on a case, Lucy takes her role seriously and is in it for the long-haul. A formidable opponent in the courtroom, Lucy is equally tenacious when it comes to researching and preparing for a case. 

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  • Joseph D. Steadman Photo
    Joe Steadman Attorney

    Joe joined Cunningham Bounds in 2016. His practice focuses on appellate practice and motion practice in the firm’s personal injury and wrongful death litigation, class actions, general negligence, product liability, medical negligence, admiralty and maritime law, and consumer fraud actions.

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  • Jennifer  Jayjohn York Photo
    Jenna Jayjohn York Attorney

    Jenna is driven by a ferocious desire to hold wrongdoers accountable and a sincere commitment to the clients she represents. She has a disciplined focus and unparalleled attention to detail that distinguish her in the courtroom and make her an outstanding advocate in every case.

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  • Amanda H. Herren Photo
    Amanda Herren Attorney

    A native Mobilian, Amanda Herren began her legal career as an Assistant District Attorney with the Mobile County District Attorney’s Office. Amanda’s practice focuses on personal injury litigation, including automobile and trucking accidents, industrial accidents, premises liability, product liability, and medical malpractice cases.

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  • Tyler J. Flowers Photo
    Tyler Flowers Attorney

    Tyler’s unique combination of strategic thinking, aggressive advocacy, and unmatched charisma make him a natural in the courtroom. His smart, decisive arguments are the perfect complement to his warm and empathetic emotional appeal.

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  • Joseph F. McGowin Photo
    Joseph McGowin Attorney

    Joseph has devoted his career to helping people hurt by the negligent decisions of others. Through detailed preparation and a willingness to try cases to a jury, he takes pride in ensuring his clients’ stories are heard—especially when well-funded defendants spend years trying to avoid responsibility.

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  • Nicholas C. Moraitakis Photo
    Nick Moraitakis Of Counsel

    Nick is a native Atlantan and has lived in Atlanta all his life. He attended public schools in DeKalb County and then worked his way through Emory College and Emory Law School. He is the first in his extended family to have graduated college.

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  • Christopher  Estes Photo
    Chris Estes Of Counsel

    Chris guides his practice on the belief that representing people and families who have been injured, damaged or wronged uplifts humanity and has dignity and importance.

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Retribuir a nuestra comunidad Un historial de protección dentro y fuera de los tribunales

Nuestros abogados trabajan tan duro fuera como dentro de los tribunales, ¡todo para hacer de nuestra comunidad un lugar mejor.

Defensa galardonada y reconocida a nivel nacional

Un legado de excelencia jurídica
  • Best Lawyers
    Best Lawyers

    Recognition of individual lawyers who stand out as among the best in the country for chosen practices areas.

  • Best Law Firm 2024
    Best Law Firm 2024

    Recognition of entire law firms that legal peers consider to be among the best in the nation.

  • The International Society of Barristers
    The International Society of Barristers
    Legal society dedicated to upholding the pillars of litigation.
  • International Academy of Trial Lawyers
    International Academy of Trial Lawyers
    The International Academy of Trial Lawyers is an invitation-only group of elite trial lawyers from more than 30 countries.
  • National Board of Trial Advocacy
    National Board of Trial Advocacy
    A group of Board Certified attorneys who must pass rigorous examinations to earn the title.
  • Chambers Top Ranked - 2024
    Chambers Top Ranked - 2024
    Chambers USA is the world’s leading legal data and analytics provider, highlighting the top lawyers and law firms across the USA for over two decades.
  • SuperLawyers
    Super Lawyers annually lists attorneys who have gone above and beyond in their practice area. Attorneys selected to Super Lawyers are formally nominated by their peers and evaluated by third-party researchers.
  • LawDragon
    LawDragon creates and publishes well-respected guides, such as the LawDragon 500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyer guide, honoring 500 of the nation's most distinguished attorneys.
  • Litigation Counsel of America
    Litigation Counsel of America
    Peer-selected group of just 3,500 trial attorneys with practices across the country.
  • National Civil Justice Institute
    National Civil Justice Institute

    The NCJI is a national legal nonprofit created by pioneering members of the trial bar dedicated to ensuring access to justice for ordinary citizens. The Institute works to give lawyers, judges, legal educators and the public a balanced view of the issues affecting the U.S. civil justice system.

La experiencia importa

Comprometidos y dedicados

Cunningham Bounds cuenta con una merecida reputación a nivel nacional como un bufete de abogados con una trayectoria profesional demostrada. Nuestro bufete ha participado y ganado algunos de los casos más importantes, con mucho en juego y muy relevantes tanto de lesiones personales, comerciales y complejos del país. A través de nuestro sistema judicial, hemos obtenido veredictos del jurado sustanciales que han conducido a mejoras significativas en la seguridad de los productos y en las condiciones laborales.

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Un futuro mejor comienza hoy mismo

Experimentados y selectos

Tanto si ha sufrido daños físicos, como emocionales o financieros, lucharemos para responsabilizar a los culpables. Póngase en contacto con Cunningham Bounds hoy mismo para obtener más información sobre cómo nuestro equipo de abogados puede ayudarle a obtener el mejor resultado posible. 

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