Jinks v. Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission, [Ms. 1210133, Oct. 21, 2022] __ So. 3d __ (Ala. 2022). The Court (Bolin, J.; Parker, C.J., and Shaw, Wise, Bryan, Sellers, Mendheim, Stewart, and Mitchell, JJ., concur) affirms the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission (“the JIC”) order removing Judge John Randall Jinks from the office of Probate Judge for Talladega County. The Court concludes that clear and convincing evidence supports the JIC’s findings that “Judge Jinks made multiple racist and racially insensitive comments, engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct, engaged in inappropriate acts of anger and use of profanity, and, on several occasions, used the prestige of his office for the benefit of others. Those acts were not isolated but occurred on a number of occasions while Judge Jinks was in the probate office acting in his capacity as the probate judge. Those acts were numerous enough to establish a pattern of objectionable behavior on the part of Judge Jinks.” Ms. **37-38.